Payment: Auctions are easily and securely paid online using PayPal or Stripe. All major credit cards are accepted and processed through both. We cannot accept cash, checks or money orders. Effective 2020; Invoices include state sales tax on all orders, which is calculated using the total of the purchase price, handling, and shipping charges.
Shipping via FedEx: Most items will ship via FedEx. FedEx shipping charges are calculated using the dimensional weight (volume) or the actual weight of the shipped package - whichever weight is higher. The listed weight of this item(s) may reflect the dimensional shipping charge for the final package, and not the actual weight of the item(s). FedEx cannot ship to a PO Box. Orders will be shipped within 5 business days of payment however; we make every effort to ship sooner. Any order with items totaling $230 or more will automatically require a direct signature.
Combined Shipping: Items may be combined to save on shipping charges if the auctions close within 7 days of each other, are safe to ship in one box, and we are contacted prior to payment. Please send us a costumer service ticket asking to combine shipping, it does not combine automatically. Once paid for, items are no longer eligible to be combined. Once a combined shipping charge has been calculated for an order, no additional items may be added to an order.
Local Pickup Service: Pick up is being offered by appointment M-F 9:00am-11:00am 1:00pm-4:30pm and should be scheduled in advance by contacting us via Shopgoodwill . Please use the pickup scheduler via Shopgoodwill to schedule your pickups All orders must be paid prior to pick up.
Thank you for your support!