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Buy It Now Item - Auction and Non-Auction

Buy It Now Auction Listing:

A Buy It Now Auction listing contains a single item with a starting price that is lower than the Buy It Now price. The Buy It Now price remains in effect until the item price exceeds the buy it now price.

For example, an item could be listed with a starting price of $10 and a Buy It Now price of $20. If the first bidder enters a bid of $25 but does not select the Buy It Now option, the item price remains $10 since no other bids have yet been received, and the Buy It Now price of $20 would remain in place. Another bidder could then choose the Buy It Now option and purchase the item for the Buy It Now price of $20, even though the first bidder entered a higher bid.

Buy It Now Non-Auction Listing:

A Buy It Now Non-Auction listing contains a single item at a fixed Buy It Now price.

To purchase the item for the price indicated in the listing, click on the Buy It Now icon in the item listing.

*Please note that Buy It Now Non-Auction listings cannot be combined with any other items for payment or shipping.

Buy It Now Non-Auction listings remain active until the item is paid for.  

If you choose the Buy It Now option for a Buy It Now Non-Auction listing but do not complete payment for the item, the item will remain in your Open Orders available for payment unless or until the item is purchased by another shopper.

If you attempt to pay for a previously selected Buy It Now Non-Auction item that has subsequently been purchased by another shopper, you will receive a message stating that the item is no longer available.  

You can delete any unpaid Buy It Now Non-Auction item from your Open Orders page by clicking on the Delete icon in the Action column to the right of the item listing.

Last Updated: 12/21/2023 10:27 AM